Solemmegetthisright. In twelve years of government the Labour Party or at the minimum Gordon the slayer and his mates have sold all the UK’s reserves, stolen savers money to pay for it, then encouraged financial profligacy to the extent that we are now in the worst position to weather a storm that any country other than Iceland (Is that a country) can be in. This is backed up by statements from the Financial Services Authority and the Governor of the Bank of England.
But wait, the answer to our problem comes in a flash. Sir Fred Goodwin, friend of the stars (or Gordo the Clown anyway) has over the years amassed a tidy pension and as such he must give it back. Oh yes, says Darling Alistair. He, that man over there (you can almost see the ugly sister wig and the dress), he is the one who has caused us all this bother by bringing the pride of Scotland RBS down . (Oh no he isn't comes the audience reply). It was he who told Gordon that it was ok and things really were going to get better. But he lied and so we must punish him. Oh no he didn't we in the audience r................ enough of the pantomime stuff!
All of this ignores the fact that Sir Fred who may very well deserve a fair old thrashing behind the bike sheds for losing our tuck money, has probably shipped his dosh to the Cayman Islands or elsewhere and if Al baby wants it back, he’d better beg that island’s regime for it, ‘cos sure as God made little green apples, Fred won’t be giving it back.
Funniest moment of the day? On being asked if he knew what sir Fred thought of his wheeze, Alistair’s reply was, “he hasn’t answered yet.” Let's face it Alistair and Gordon, I suspect whatever answer comes back at least one of the words will be “off”.
Which, coincidently is the answer I'd no doubt get if I asked the government to give back my savings, but then again I'm not stupid enough to ask in the first place.
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3 years ago